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join the juicy side - it is your destiny ciderling!

Not just a cheeky 10% off your first order, but a whole community of cidery joy. Sign up to our newsletter for a regular smirk at our expense. We share insights, secrets and enthusiastic failures and welcome you to the orchard with open hearts!

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…did you know this about Beardy? ͏ ͏

Greetings, Ciderling!

Did you know it’s actually terribly, terribly dangerous for Beardy (aka Steve) to be a ciderman? More on that in a sec, we’re still a bit giddy from our cheese and cider tasting at the weekend. 

If you came along, we shared three of our favourite things.

✅ great food
✅ great drink
✅ great music

And our fourth magic ingredient to a fantastic night out…
✅ great company!

We know, we always bang on about it. But it’s YOU, our lovely cider community that make this little business such a joy to run. So come along to one of our tap nights for live music, much revelry, and maybe even the odd glass or two of the good stuff. 

Come have a blast with us. 

It’s always a Friday night, and it’s always just £5 entry…

📅 3rd May 2024
📅 31st May 2024
📅 28th June 2024
📅 19th July 2024
📅 6th September 2024

If you’ve been wondering how we get the cider from pip to pint, we’re also running Cidery Tours during the day on our tap night dates. It just makes sense. We’re already here, you’re already here.

And everyone’s already in the mood to get to know one another over a glass of cider. It's just £20 per person (or £30 with a gift pack). And when you book a tour, we'll let you into the tap night on the same date free of charge.

And what else…ah yes, we were going to tell you why Beardy (aka Steve) risks his life to bring you the best cider in all the land.

He’s actually allergic to apples. Luckily it’s to do with the flesh, so once it’s been mangled into juice he’s safe. The real danger is those beautiful pollinators though. Steve’s also allergic to bees, and had to stop keeping them in favour of continuing to breathe. He carries an epi pen around, just in case. Can’t be too careful, especially now Spring has sprung. 

Anyway, have a fab Easter, whatever you’re up to. 



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