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join the juicy side - it is your destiny ciderling!

Not just a cheeky 10% off your first order, but a whole community of cidery joy. Sign up to our newsletter for a regular smirk at our expense. We share insights, secrets and enthusiastic failures and welcome you to the orchard with open hearts!

Promise we won

Promise we won't go on about it

(okay, we’re lying) 

Greetings, Ciderling!

We kicked off May in the best way we know how. With a tap night. 

Now…we know not everyone lives close enough to our Sussex HQ to come along, so we dedicate this newsletter edition to the remote slurpers. 

Cheers 🍻 

Here, have a tiny cider (no, it’s not beer) emoji to make up for the fact you missed out on gathering at the cidery on a warm Spring night to share fresh food, live music, and excellent cider 💖

If you want to come along next time, we can help with accommodation suggestions

And why not make a mini break of it? 

One couple who came last time took their children to school then drove over from Southampton. They checked into their B&B and went for a pub lunch. In the afternoon, they came for a tour of the cidery, then it was back to the room for a cider-induced power nap, then partied with us at the tap night. The next day, they had a lovely cafe breakfast before returning to their reality and responsibilities. 

Lovely stuff. 

But if it really is too far to travel, you can get our three new cider batches (Ugly Dog, Shelter From the Storm and Ridgeback) from our one-stop Cider Shop

Along with old faithfuls like Clockhaisy (err…we’ve deliberately misspelled that, to avoid the wrath of your email server swear-detectors) and Cheeky Mick. 

Cheeky Mick is actually named after orchard owner Mick Scrace, who happened upon his orchard completely by chance. More on his story another time. 

Anyway, we’re supposed to be selling you cider, so please be duly informed… the following are officially LOW STOCK 🚨

[terrible disgrace and cheeky mick selly button thingies please]

Are we just trying to nudge you to buy our stuff? Well, yes. Of course.

But there’s a proper, official, clipboardy way we categorise stock as “running low”. You see, the cider ferments in great big 1,000 litre tanks. They, quite literally, weigh a tonne. 

When it’s reached perfection, we bottle some up then use the rest of the tank stock to fill our bag in a box orders. When the tank runs dry, we’re down to “bottle stock only” (amber alert!)

When we get down to the last few cases of bottles, we hoist the flag, send out a carrier pigeon, and ring the low-stock bell (red alert!) 

So, don’t say we didn’t warn you 🤷🏻‍♂️

Arty Types

Partnering with local businesses is all part of the buzz for us. We’re running a pop-up cider tasting event at the blackShed gallery on Saturday 15th June, 16:00 - 18:30 as part of their “Free As The Fields” project. We hope you can come along to enjoy the art of… well, ART, and the art of cider, combined. 

Book a free place here.


Down on the Farm

Lambing season continues to bring lots of bouncy, Springy fun. 

Make sure you follow our Instagram page for farm and In-Cider news and Steve dicing with death…

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